Monday, 29 April 2024



2D materials: focus on sensing and nano-bio-applications  
Graphene and beyond graphene materials like Grephene-oxide or MoS2 are widely acknowledged by the scientific community as the next generation class of disruptive materials. Within the scope of the More than Moore mission this symposium is rather oriented to potential strategic killer device applications in sensing (with focus on gas-sensing) and nano-bio-applications like fabrication od advanced nano-bio composite materials, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. Sep 21




3D Printing for Tissue Engineering  
Additive manufacturing (AM), more popularly known as 3D printing, describes a group of technologies used to produce objects through the addition rather than the removal of material. In particular 3D printing is emerging as a powerful tool for tissue engineering by enabling 3D cell culture within complex 3D biomimetic architectures. This symposium will discusses the prevailing 3D printing techniques and their most recent applications in building tissue constructs. An overview of the possible limitations and constraints will be also taken into consideration during the symposium. Sep 22




3D printing: new nanomaterials and devices  
In the framework of the “smart manufacturing” is powerfully emerging the topic of the technological processes for 2D and 3D printing of products with the integration of a large amount of ICT devices. At basic research level the study of new printable nanomaterial and new printing technologies is required. At technological level a strong integration is required among different areas as micro and nanofabrication processes, new nanomaterials for manufacturing, new production processes with low environmental and energetic impacts, ICT and robotic solutions.
In the next future smart products, directly obtained by CAD through 2D and 3D printing, containing ICT devices, shape memory, outstanding mechanical or functional properties will be available in the market.
Sep 22




Advanced nanotechnologies for green energy  
Over the last few decades, impressive advancements in human ability to design, control and exploit the properties of matter at the nanometer scale have led to the realization of unprecedented nanotechnological applications, taking, in less than half a century, Richard Feynman's original vision into the real world. Nanotechnology-based drugs are now commercially available, as are the first lighting devices and displays. Likewise, novel nanomaterials-based solutions are very soon expected to improve, or even replace, the traditional technologies for capturing, transferring and storing energy, which will ultimately enable mankind to meet its increasing need for secure, accessible and environmentally friendly power sources.
The scope of this symposium is to provide an overview of the most advanced nanotechnologies in the energy field as well as of their potential economical impact, and to create a common platform for scientists, industries and investors for exchanging information and , building relationships and establishing collaborations.
Sep 22




Advanced Raman spectroscopy and imaging in Nanomedicine  
Raman spectroscopy during the last decades is gaining more and more attention in analytical applications and can provide chemical fingerprints of cells, tissues and biofluids. In contrast to established analytical techniques, this vibrational spectroscopy provides label-free, non-destructive, chemically selective and spatially resolved analysis. Actually, the high chemical specificity merged with the ability to use advanced optical technologies in the visible or near-infrared spectral range have recently led to an increase in medical diagnostic applications of Raman spectroscopy. Several experimental setups can be optimized, from confocal microscopes for acquisition of three-dimensional spectral information up to optical fiber-based devices for direct use in clinical diagnostics. Since Raman spectroscopy is characterized by weak signal problems, new strategies, mainly based on nanotechnological solutions, have been developed exploiting non-linear optics and localized plasmonic effects aimed to enhance the Raman scattering efficiency, increasing the acquisition speed and accuracy of diagnosis. This symposium will outline the applications of the various Raman spectroscopy based techniques in the broad area of Nanomedicine, ranging from the use of nanomaterials, drug delivery strategies, medical diagnostics and therapeutics.

Sep 21




Advances in structural and strain analysis at the nanoscale
Micro- and nano-scale 3D structural and strain analysis is crucial in many technological applications, e.g., micro- and nano-electromechanical systems, nanoelectronics, thin films and coatings. In this symposium, some methodologies to address this scientific and technological issue are presented. Among those based on electron microscopy: focused ion beam is presented as a tool useful to develop methods micro-scale residual stress assessment in thin films; precession electron diffraction under TEM is demonstrated for the study of nanomaterials orientation and strain analysis at 1 nm scale; by monitoring nanoindentation experiments by SEM understanding blistering in thin films caused by residual stresses. Finally, analysis of nanoindentation results is used to calculate spatial stress profiles and to optimize scratch and tribology tests. Sep 21






call for young researchers











Technical Support


Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

+ 39 339 771 4107
+ 39 388 1785318
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Dr. Federica Lodato

+ 39 335 7253927
+ 39   06 8848831
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