Monday, 29 April 2024



AIRI is a private, not-for profit Association, funded in 1974 to promote industrial Research and Innovation in Italy and to enhance co-operation between the private and public sector.

The Association is the focal point for about 100 members, representing private industrial enterprises, large and SMEs, active in Research & Innovation, as well as public research organizations. Researchers of AIRI members constitute about the 45% of the researchers in the Country.

In 2003, AIRI has created AIRI/Nanotec IT, a division dedicated to promote nanotechnologies and their application. A large part of the Italian players in nanotechnology is member of AIRI/Nanotec IT, which, since 2014, has extended its attention to the integration of nanotechnologies with the other Key Enabling Technologies (KETs).

To pursue its mission, AIRI, monitors scientific R&D trends and their applications, disseminates information, facilitates technology transfer and promotes Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). International contacts and cooperation are pivotal to its activity. AIRI has a long experience in participation in co-operative European projects (FP 6, FP 7, Horizon 2020). Often as co-ordinator.

Due to its broad representative base and experience, AIRI is a key opinion leader for the National decision-makers in addressing industrial research and innovation strategies aimed to sustain the technological development of the Country, strengthen its competitive position. AIRI, periodically publish a report “Prioritary Technologies for the Italian Industry”, which has become a guide for National technology planning. In 2015, together with CNR, AIRI has published a report on Responsible Research and Innovation. MIUR has embodied its indications in the National Plan for Research 2015-2020.

The organization, by AIRI, of an International Conference dedicated to nanotechnologies (NanotechItaly) dates back several years. NanotechItaly 2015 was at the 8th Edition.

Web Site: -











Associazione NanoItaly

The NanoItaly Association has been recently established  with the aim of promoting, enhancing and supporting the role of bio-nano technologies in the Italian and European societies in all applicative, social and economic contexts,  with particular reference to the development of technologies of industrial interest and to the social impact on the population of product innovations based on nano aspects.

Nanoitaly is a cultural no-profit, non-political association, organized on the sovereignty of the members' assembly and whose corporate offices are elective and held without charge.

The main purpose of the Association is to promote and support the integration of the scientific and industrial communities relating the wide field of bio-nano technologies, composed of researchers, technologists and professionals from public research and industrial laboratories, in order to discuss innovative ideas, exchange knowledge and help transfer of know-how, allowing the integration of ideas and knowledge between different areas of application.

We are strongly convinced that meeting and integration of scientific and technological communities traditionally separated from each other to build a new reality able to define new goals and influence the transfer of skills and knowledge from laboratories to businesses and markets, is an absolute need for a profitable development of nanotechnology in our country.
The Association aims to support and encourage collaboration between research institutions and industry, in order to jointly contribute to the regional, national and European programs, to promote the creation of research networks and infrastructure for the needs of research in nano-bio-technology and nanoscience.

The association membership is open to both individuals and organizations interested in participating in the development of the variegated world of nano-bio-technology.
For more information and adhesion please refer to the Association website: which will be available since October 1st 2015.

The Association is managed by a Scientific Board which is presently composed by:

Luigi Ambrosio
Luciana Dini
Roberto Morabito
Fabrizio Pirri (Scientific Secretary)
Giancarlo Ruocco
Pietro Siciliano (Treasurer)
Corrado Spinella
Maria Letizia Terranova 
Marco Vittori Antisari (President)

Associazione Nanoitaly
c/o di Scienze di Base ed Applicate
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via Antonio Scarpa, 16 – 00161 Roma
Contact person: Marco Vittori Antisari (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Web Site:




call for young researchers











Technical Support


Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

+ 39 339 771 4107
+ 39 388 1785318
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Dr. Federica Lodato

+ 39 335 7253927
+ 39   06 8848831
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