Session Posters
Posters will be displayed in the Sangallo Cloister during the event:
Tuesday 20: 13.00-20.00
Wednesday and Thursday: 8.30-19.30
- Badrul ALAM, Sapienza University of Rome
Multilayer optical routing by means of vertical directional coupler with long range surface plasmons - Erika AMORE, University of Palermo
Radiosensitizing effect of Curcumin-loaded lipid nanoparticles in breast cancer cells - Livia ANGELONI, Sapienza University of Rome and Laval University, Canada
Oxidation plasma treatment of fluorocarbon ultrathin films for cardiovascular applications - Mariglen ANGJELLARI, University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'
Advanced Materials for Additive Manufacturing: Trends for the Future - Caterina ARCANGELI, ENEA C. Ricerche Casaccia
Computational approaches for the characterization of the adsorption and dynamical mechanisms of bio-inorganic interfaces - Federico BENETTI, ECSIN Laboratory
Determination of nanosilica released from food contact materials by singole-particle Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry - Maria Luisa BONDI', ISMN CNR
Micromaterials lipid-based for topic release of fluticasone propionate for the COPD treatment - Lisa BREGOLI, Warrant Group
NANO-CATHEDRAL: European Project on Nanomaterials for Conservation of European Architectural Heritage - Alessio BUZZIN, Sapienza University of Rome
Nano Sieve filter for microfluidic sensing on lab-on-chip - Elisa CALABRESE, University of Salerno
Synthesis of a new ruthenium catalyst for self-healing applications in aeronautics - Giancarlo CAPPELLINI, University of Cagliari
Electronic and optical properties of nanometer-sized chromophores in bacterial cellulose - Federica CAPPELLUTI, Politecnico di Torino
High-efficiency, flexible, lightweight space solar cells based on nanostrutured III-V semiconductors - Laura CARLINI, University "Roma Tre"
Characterization of MNPs functionalized by molecule-capping method with mixed organic ligands carried out by SR-XPS and SERS - Patrizio CARRAI, University of Pisa; Gennaro Bufalo, INAIL; Luigi Ambrosone, University of Molise
A 3D-approach for studing agglomeration kinetics of ultra fine powder during the welding process - Mariafrancesca CASCIONE, Università del Salento and CNR – ECMT
Role of adhesion proteins in tumorigenesis: a biomechanical study - Davide CASOTTI, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - CNR NANO
Microstructural and chemical effects on electrical conductivity of the Nb-doped anatase transparent films - Ekaterine CHKHIDZE, Georgian Technical University
Reactions of chemical transformation of unsaturated co-polyesteramide - Aureliano CIERVO, INAIL
Influence of crystalline form on induced cyto-genotoxic and inflammatory effects of TiO2 nanoparticles in human lung cells - Rocco CITRONI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Extending the Endurance, Missions and Capabilities of NAVs Using Plasmonics Harvester and New Energy Storage Technologies - Anna COSTA, CNR-ISTEC
Pilot-scaling of nanophotocatalytic reactors for water purification treatments - Rosaria D'AMATO, ENEA Centro Ricerche Frascati
Performance and removal tests by laser cleaning of nanocomposites employed in cultural heritage
preservation - Ugo D'AMORA, IPCB -CNR
3D Additive manufactured scaffolds with improved functional features for interface tissue engineering - Martin Jimenez FRANCISCO DE PAULA, Universidad de Màlaga
Surface morphological control of nanostructured single phase Fe304 and FeOOH electrodeposited thin films - Matteo FALASCONI, Warrant Group
NEWSPEC: New Cost-Effective and Sustainable Plyethylene Based Carbon Fibres for Volume Market Applications - Carla FANIZZA, INAIL
Scanning electron microscopy study on cell surface modifications after exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles - Anna Maria FRESEGNA, INAIL
Early cyto-genotoxic and inflammatory effects of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in human alveolar cells - Serena GAGLIARDI, ENEA
Preparation and characterization of polymeric nanocomposite films for application as protective coatings - Narciso GAMBACORTI, Université Grenoble Alpes
State-of-the-art 3D characterization of advanced nanoelectronic devices - Maria Luisa GRILLI, ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia
Nanostructured conductive TiO2 based films and multilayer systems fabricated by radio frequency sputtering and e-beam evaporation - Patrizia LAMBERTI, University of Salerno
Performance Analysis and robust design of a Graphene-Based EM-Shielding Device - Raffaella LETTIERI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Modification of inorganic surfaces for bio-inspired functional nanomaterials - Marco LOLLOBRIGIDA, Sapienza University of Rome
Physico-chemical characterization and preosteoblastic cell response to a new implant surface with nanoscale features - Maria Rita MANCINI, ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia
A sustainable synthesis of graphene and graphene oxides films - Luca MARCHIOL, University of Udine
Green synthesis of Ag nanoparticles using plant metabolites - Rino MARINELLI, LFoundry
Electrical and physical characterization of gate oxide thickness of fluorine implanted poly-silicon gate - Dorian MARTIN, NFFA Europe
NFFA-Europe - Maria Isabel MARTINEZ-ESPINOZA, University of Genoa - DCCI
Synthesis of diacetylene-decorated, variously-shaped gold nanostructures for sensing and biomedical applications - Daniele MIRABILE GATTIA, ENEA C. Ricerche Casaccia
Synthesis of Single Walled Carbon Nanohorns and their potentialities for industrial applications - Chiara PARISE, University of Bologna
Organic transformations catalyzed by gold nanoparticles supported on functionalized silica - Antonella PATTI, University of Naples Federico II
Enhancements in thermal conductivity of polypropylene-based systems - Silvia PICCIOLINI, Fondazione don Carlo Gnocchi - LABION
A new approach to study the interactions of exosomes with biomolecules and their role in neurodegenerative diseases - Stefano POZZI MUCELLI, Warrant Group
POSEIDON - Plasmonic-based automated lab-on-chip Sensor for the rapid In situ Detection of LegiONella - Jose RAMOS-BARRADO, Universidad de Màlaga
Grown of ZnO nanorods on gizo obtained by magnetron sputtering. Influence of the magnetron sputtering parameters - Melania REGGENTE, Sapienza University of Rome and University of Strasbourg, Francia
Conducting Polymers as candidate material for artificial muscles: an EC-AFM study - Massimo RINALDI, Warrant Group
High Performance hybrid TWC/GPF Automotive after treatment systems for the substitution of PGMs and Rar3e earth materials - Melissa SAIBENE, University of Milano-Bicocca, Research Centre POLARIS
The leading role of particle surface coating in the Silver nanoparticle-induced cell and developmental effects: a contribution to the nanomaterial safe-by-design - Maria Cristina SALVATICI, ICCOM CNR
Development of a drug-delivery system for the control of plant diseases: in situ ESEM and TEM observation - Carmen SASSO, University of Naples "Federico II" and ENEA Portici Research Center
Optimization of PEDOT: PSS as Hole Transport Layer for Inverted Polymer Solar Cells - Annarita STRINGARO, ISS
PMASH Capsules: a New Promising Drug Delivery System in Breast Cancer Cells - Giuliana TAGLIERI, University of L'Aquila
Simple and scalable synthesis of earth-alkaline hydroxides and oxides nanoparticles - Andrea VEROLI, Sapienza University of Rome
Planar plasmonic bean-like nanostructures
for high Dichroic filtering: theory, fabrication and experiment - Sara VESELY, ITB CNR
Nanotechnology and Statistical Inference - Francesca VILLAFIORITA-MONTELEONE, ISMA CNR
Highly emissive II-stacked polybenzofulvene blends: aggregation induced fret upon nanoparticles self-formation - Stefania ZAPPIA, ISMAC CNR
Amphiphilyc low band-gap rod-coil block copolymers: a tool for water-processable organic solar cells - Emanuele ZONARO, University of Verona
Selenium nanoparticles of biogenic bacterial nature as possible antifouling agent